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There is stress that heals and sustains high performance, and there is stress that breaks you down. Discover the key pathways of stress to live your best life!

It is unquestionable that if you want high performance across any domain of life, sacrifices are inevitable. My hope is that the contents of this book will help you along your path so that you can perform to your highest level without sacrificing your health along the way. Your story, ambitions, and pursuits are not without their challenges. Your obstacles are yours. But the methods to overcome them are shared and the means to achieve the highest level of performance while maintaining health are universal.

Situations and circumstances will change from day to day or even moment to moment. But what will not change is the underlying roots determining how we show up in those situations. Those are the roots of stress. How we steer responses to stress, both knowingly and unknowingly, makes all the difference in the outcomes. Stress is the most rooted part of human behavior, and because of this, if we want to optimize our performance, own our health, elevate our relationships, and expand our consciousness, stress is where we should begin.

This book is a collection of stories, setbacks, challenges, victories, and insights gleaned from more than 10,000 students I have trained over the past 15 years to highlight the essential parts of stress and how it impacts both health and performance. I include the distillation of hundreds of hours of research, scientific articles, and interviews from doctors and specialists, as well as personal experiments performed using state-of-the-art equipment. I also draw from my own experiences as I continue to reach and explore full human potential.

For those of us who have suffered health setbacks due to injuries, chronic pain or fatigue, undesired weight gain, chronic inflammation, and more, I have good news. A great many individuals I have trained have experienced transformations, healing, and reductions in medications, found new freedom and energy, and are now back to living robust lives filled with restored tenacity. You will read about some of these people in this book, as well as what they did to get to where they are today.

What you will get from this work is a clear pathway to understanding your complex nature in simple terms, along with proven protocols to leverage stress and perform to your highest level in any situation while maintaining health and vitality for years to come. This book is about unleashing our warrior spirits to ensure life’s quality, rather than just enduring survival.

Stronger Through Stress - ebook

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